速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / Satib Traveller

Satib Traveller





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Satib Traveller(圖1)-速報App

Travel with peace of mind, the Satib Travel app allows you to access your travel insurance policy at any time in a simple to use and convenient manner. Other than access your travel insurance policy you also have easy access to other travel related information such as your itinerary, travel agent information, current local weather, directions etc.

If you need to request assistance, you can use the app to contact your travel agent and if you need emergency assistance then you can contact your Insurance's emergency service provider easily via the app.

Mobile Connectivity

Satib Traveller(圖2)-速報App

Immediate access to travel insurance & necessary info. This eliminates the worry of losing policy numbers or stacks of printed paper.


Documents, information and all the necessary contact details is in 1 convenient location, the mobile phone

Satib Traveller(圖3)-速報App


In case of an emergency, with one touch of a button help is on the way to traveller in need. Travel safely knowing help is only a click away.


Satib Traveller(圖4)-速報App

PIP is free to use, with no additional charges to you as the user. Insurers’emergency charges may apply.

Satib Traveller(圖5)-速報App